Agilka a jej šteniatka /Agil and her puppies
Agilke sa v noci z 31.1. na 1.2. narodilo 6 krásnych a zdravých šteniatok. 3 fenky a 3 psíkovia ju pekne potrápili, ale nakoniec to všetko krásne zvládli. Jeden psík je hnedo-biely s pálenim, 1 fenka a 1 psík sú red merle a ostetné šteniatka sú hnedo-biele.
The puppies from our dogfried Agil are here!!!! They were born in the night 31.1./1.2.2008. Agilka gave us 3 females and 3 males. The birth was not really easy, but Agil and all puppies are OKJ. They are interesting colored: 1 male is brown – white with tarn, 1 female and 1 male are red merle, all others are brown – white.
Obaja rodičia - mama Agil (Fatima Darley Arabian) ako aj otec Q (Liza´s Border Q Red) sú veľmi temperamentné športovo vedené Border kólie.
Both parents - mother Fatima Darley Arabian alias Agil (brown - white) as well as father Liza´s Border Q Red alias Q (red merle) are full of temperament and make sports like agility and obedience.
2 Fenky a psík red merle sú už zadané. Tieto 2 krásne psíky a hnedo-biela fenečka ešte stále hľadajú nových pánečkov.
2 females and the red merle male are altready reserved. These 2 nice males and brown - white female are still looking for new owners.
Tu nájdete viac informácii! / You can find more information here!